Using dataspaces with custom types

h5cpp makes some default assumptions about which dataspace to use for a particular type

  • for the container templates std::vector and std::array a Simple dataspace of rank 1 is used

  • for everything else hdf5::dataspace::Scalar is used.

However, in the case of user defined data types the user has to provide a type trait to tell h5cpp what dataspace to use for the type.

As an example we consider here a trait for a 3x3 matrix type. The C++ class template for such a class could look like this

template<typename T> class Matrix
    std::array<T,9> data_;

    T *data();
    const T *data() const;

The most natural choice for a dataspace for such a type would be a simple dataspace of shape 3x3 with fixed dimensions. To achive this we have to provide a type trait as follows

#include <h5cpp/hdf5.cpp>

namespace hdf5 {
namespace dataspace {

template<> class TypeTrait<Matrix>
    using DataspaceType = Simple;
    static DataspaceType create(const Matrix &)
      return Simple({3,3});

    const static DataspaceType & get(const Matrix &)
      const static DataspaceType & cref_ = Simple({3,3});
      return cref_;

    static void *ptr(Matrix &value)
      return reinterpret_cast<void*>(;

    static const void*cptr(const Matrix &value)
      return reinterpret_cast<const void*>(;