Design overview

This chapter will provide you with a short introduction in to HDF5 and its unerlying concepts as well as h5cpp’s approach how to map these concepts onto C++ classes.

h5cpp namespaces

In order to use h5cpp you need to include the hdf5.hpp header file like this

#include <h5cpp/hdf5.hpp>

This will pull in everything you need. The entire library is organized in several namespaces with a top level namespace hdf5


Every namespace contains classes associated with a particular aspect of the library and HDF5.




namespace with property list implementations.


contains all classes related to attributes and attribute management.


datatypes and related utility functions. The classes in this namespace should not be confused with commited datatypes which are indeed nodes.


the most imporant namespace providing all functionality to deal with nodes.


dataspaces and related utilities


error management and exceptions


everything releated to files

The top level namespace contains also some more esoteric classes like hdf5::ObjectId or ObjectHandle which we can savely ignore for now.

The most important classes in the top-level namspace might be hdf5::Dimensions which is a type alias of the form

using Dimensions = std::vector<hsize_t>;

in order to get rid of the rather nasty

hsize_t *dims;

which is heavily used throughout the C-API and thus a rather potential source for memory leaks. Using std::vector serves the same purpose but is far less easier to use and avoids problems with memory leaks.

A high level view on HDF5

Data IO

Until now we have only considered structural aspects of an HDF5 file. The second and most probably most important topic is data IO. To understand how data IO works in HDF5 we first have to introduce a bit terminology.

From a rather high level point of view the smallest unit of information which can be accessed by HDF5 is a data element. Such a data element can be everything ranging from a single integer number up to complex types consisting of nested C-structs or C++ classes. A data element is stored in memory and/or on disk as a set of bits. In order to interpret these bits correctly and reassemble the stored data element we need some information about it. This information is provided in HDF5 by a datatype.

Data elements have some logical organization. For instance we can store these elements in a 2 dimensional array.


data elements of 3 numbers (could be a 3D vector) are stored in a 2 dimensional array with 5 elements along the first and 3 elements along the second dimensions.

The logical layout of data elements is described by a dataspace. Currently there are only two dataspaces available in HDF5

  • a scalar space which can store only a single element

  • and a simple space which is a regular n-dimensional array (as the one above).

Dataspaces and datatypes are the fundamental building blocks of all objects that can store data within an HDF5 file

  • attributes

  • and datasets

For the construction of either of them you have to provide a datatype and a dataspace. As a matter of fact, attributes and datasets are quite similar, though a dataset is a node type and can be accessed via a path. In addition, datasets are far more flexible than attributes as we will see soon.

We need to introduce the term storage as a rather abstract region of space where we can store data and which is contiguous and linear addressable. Technically such a storage can be implemented either

  • in memory (as a contiguous region of memory)

  • or on disk

where in the latter case it is not important for us how exactly the data is stored on disk (as a single block of data within a file or scattered over several blocks within a file).


We never have to care about the DiskStorage this is done by the HDF5 library. However, in some cases we need to care about the MemoryStorage. As far as it concerns this chapter we can consider both to satisfiy the above constraints.

We will have a look now how data transfer roughly works by using the above example. For the dataset under consideration we have

  • a datatype comprising 3 double valus (3x8Bytes) and thus a total size of 24 Bytes

  • and a dataspace of shape (3,5) where the last index varies fastest.

The MemoryStorage of such a dataset would look like this


Every data element occupies 24Byte. The numbers on the very left denote the memory offset in byte for the very left byte in the block. In the above figure the elements are represented in a 3x5 matrix to preserve space but in memory they would be aligend simply one after the other. It is the dataspace which associates the linear region of memory with a particular shape. By default C-style ordering, last index variest fastest, is used. As a matter of fact it is the job of the dataspace to map the multidimensional index of a particular element onto a linear address in the storage area.


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When data is written to disk, the content of the MemoryStorage is transfered to the DiskStorage. It is important to note that the dataspace of the latter one must not be equal to that of the memory storage. They must only have equal size (number of data elements). In addition, the data elements in memory must be convertable to those associated with the file storage. The same is true for the other direction when reading data from the disk.


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Selections and partial IO

One of the nice features of HDF5 is that we do not have to read or write the entire data from or to the disk. This is paticularly usefull if the total amount of data available in a dataset would not fit in the memory of the computer which wants to access the data. We can distinguish between

  • point selections where individual data elements can be picked in an arbitrary pattern

  • and hyperslab selections which are regular multidimensional slices. Hyperslabs roughly compare to what you can do with array indices and slices on numpy arrays in Python.

With a point selection we could for instance read the elements (0,2), (1,3) and (2,0) and store them in a either a new memory storage of size 3 (which would be 72Bytes in total) or in a more sophisticated setup we could map them on points (0),(5) and (11) in a 1D array in memory.


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The following concepts are important and thus should be kept in mind for further reading

  • a Datatype describes a single data element (no matter how complex it might be)

  • a Dataspace describes how data elemets are layed out in memory

  • all data is store in Dataspaces and Attributes (the interfaces are quite simliar but attributes have some limitations)

  • Selections make it possible to read only a particular part of a Dataset